LOLAs Philosophy of Care and Education
We believe that all children are unique gifts from God. It is our responsibility to provide a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate environment. We gently guide our children in learning while fostering positive interactions with others and the environment. The first years of a child’s life, beginning with infancy, build a foundation for future learning and are the most important for future success. Our philosophy of care and education is inspired by Magda Gerber as well as Reggio Emilia and Rudolf Steiner. We incorporate the works of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson, among many others. The learning environment is play-based in which the teacher supports the children by providing the necessary materials allowing children to grow in all areas, socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and cognitively through their own initiative. The learning environment is also child-center in which the children choose activities based upon their interests. Our chosen curriculum is The Creative Curriculum. We believe that children learn through a natural environment. Planting a garden, exploring dirt, mud, sand and water provide invaluable skills and educational aspects necessary for development. We encourage our families and community to be involved in the process of learning with our children. Our children learn about caring for the environment as we strive to be “green” by inviting the children as well as families to participate in recycling materials, some of which we can personally put to use for learning activities. We are committed to providing Christian-based, affordable child care for our families as well as educated staff and teachers, who we support in their desire to advance and meet their career goals through quality employment. We will help raise up the men, women, and children of our local community through the services we provide. |